Audiobook: Asinaria; or, The Ass-Dealer

Audiobook: Asinaria; or, The Ass-Dealer

Another Plautus comedy. Not too complicated: People behaving poorly, clever slaves aiding complicated plots, gullible tradesman (the Ass-Dealer) being taken advantage of, plots found out, and just retribution taken. – Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Demaenetus, an aged Athenian: ToddHW
Argyrippus, his son, in love with Philenium: Greg Giordano
Libanus, Servant of Demaenetus: Adrian Stephens
Leonida, Servant of Demaenetus: redrun
The Ass-Dealer: Alan Mapstone
Diabolus, an Athenian Captain, the rival of Argyrippus: Beeswaxcandle
A Parasite, a dependant of Diabolus: Larry Wilson
Artemona, wife of Demaenetus: Sonia
Cleaereta, a Procuress: Anna Maria
Philenium, daughter of Cleaereta: Inkell
Stage Directions: Estefanía Vidal
Editing: ToddHW

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