Audiobook: Remarkable Rogues: The Careers of Some Notable Criminals of Europe and America

The title and subtitle pretty much say it all. Twenty biographical sketches of people you would not want your son or daughter to marry.

Other Audiobook

Audiobook: Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 008

This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several

Audiobook: Comédie Humaine: 09 – Scènes de la vie parisienne tome 1 (7-11-43) – Histoire des Treize

Ce n’était pas une petite tâche que de peindre les deux ou trois mille figures

Audiobook: Ins and Outs of Paris or Paris by Day and Night

Paris has been often described, by travelers, by artists, by savants, by friends and by

Audiobook: Ordeal of Elizabeth

An unforgettable family saga which revolves around the beautiful young Elizabeth. Elizabeth is orphaned and

Audiobook: He and She

A feminist drama that gained considerable critical and commercial success when it originally ran on

Audiobook: Expositions on the Book of Psalms Vol. 1

The Book of Psalms is commonly known as the Psalms or the Psalter, and is

Audiobook: Microphone Showdown 3

This is a project which will allow readers and listeners to compare the recording quality

Audiobook: Amelia (Vol. 2)

The second volume of Amelia. – Summary by Libby Gohn

Audiobook: Little Susy’s Little Servants

“As Little Susy had a kind mamma to take care of her, you will, perhaps,

Audiobook: Two Gentlemen of Verona

The Two Gentlemen of Verona is the earliest comedy written by Shakespeare (and possibly his

Audiobook: Légendes rustiques

Voici une collection de 16 contes et légendes de la plume de George Sand (1804-1876),

Audiobook: Arroyo

Traducción de Histoire d’un ruisseau por Élisée Reclus, geógrafo y anarquista francés. (Inglés: Story of