Audiobook: 孫子兵法 (The Art of War)

Audiobook: 孫子兵法 (The Art of War)

《孙子兵法》是从战国时期成书以来,就一直风靡流传的军事著作。古今中外的军事家们都使用其中论述的军事理论来指导战争,而且,其中论述的基本理论和思想还被运用到了现代经营决策和社会管理方面。总结《孙子兵法》全书,我们可以看到其中有四个主要思想贯穿于始终,即整体思维的战争论、唯物主义的战争观、对立统一的辩证法和知己知彼的认识论。《孙子兵法》是现存的中国古代的第一部理论体系完整的兵书,被尊称为“世界第一兵书”、“兵学圣典”,被定为武学的教范,而兵法家苏武,则被尊为“百世兵家之师”、“东方兵学的鼻祖”。自先秦以来,历代帝王将相、文臣武士、学者隐士都从中汲取思想养料和谋略智慧。(来源:中华诵读网 Source:

Compiled approximately during the late Spring and Autumn period of Ancient Chines (722-481 BC). The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Wu, comprised of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It has been the most famous and influential of China’s Seven Military Classics, and it has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, and beyond. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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