Audiobook: A Handbook of Health

Audiobook: A Handbook of Health″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>″>

The Woods Hutchinson Health Series, A HANDBOOK OF HEALTH
By Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. D. PREFACE Looking upon the human body from the physical point of view as the most perfect, most ingeniously economical, and most beautiful of living machines, the author has attempted to write a little handbook of practical instruction for the running of it. And seeing that, like other machines, it derives the whole of its energy from its fuel, the subject of foods–their properties, uses, and methods of preparation–has been gone into with unusual care. An adequate supply of clean-burning food-fuel for the human engine is so absolutely fundamental both for health and for efficiency–we are so literally what we have eaten–that to be well fed is in very fact two-thirds of the battle of life from a physiological point of view.

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