Audiobook: Turn of the Screw

Audiobook: Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw is a novella written by Henry James. It is a ghost story that was originally published in 1898. A nameless governess reports the events of two ghosts who stalk the young children she has charge over. Is she reliable, or an imaginative neurotic? (Summary adapted from Wikipedia)

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孔子(公元前551年9月28日-前479年),子姓孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,鲁(今中國山东曲阜)人,中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家。孔子是中华文化中的核心学说儒家的首代宗師,集華夏上古文化之大成,在世時已被譽為“天縱之聖”、“天之木鐸”,是當時社會上最博學者之一,並且被后世尊为至聖(聖人之中的聖人)、至聖先師、万世师表。孔子和他创立的儒家思想对中国和朝鲜、台灣、日本、越南等地區有深远的影响,這些地區又被稱爲儒家文化圈。孔子又與耶穌、釋迦牟尼和蘇格拉底並稱世界四大聖哲。(维基百科) The Analects, also known as the Analects of Confucius, are a record of the

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